michael Powell
Kicking off the 2020 year for SUPPORT CITY is a guy the you’ve possibly seen around town, maybe in a magazine, and probably on social media. He’s a person that if you meet, you will never forget. He works daily as a realtor but his passion projects are abundant (sometimes planned and lots of times spontaneous) and spurred along by the notion of “doing good feels good.” He now has developed live auctions, banquets, 5K’s, cookouts, and block parties all to support this belief.
Michael and I crossed paths just a few months ago when a past SUPPORTER recommended we meet. After our first encounter, I knew why. The guy has a great story and barely a filter when it comes to telling it (this line will make him smile). He is Michael, take it or leave it, and either way is okay with him, because regardless he will continue to do it his way. It’s the only way he knows how, full force and all the time. He is relentless in his pursuit of trying to help out, bring smiles, gather donations, and give. How Roy’s Kids came to be and what it has grown to be is remarkable and I felt the story should be shared here.
In short, it all began as a personal challenge from someone he respected. The challenge took him a back and made him think. The first year was a personal donation, the next helped 17 kids at Christmas, the following he started paying some random layaway’s. In 2010, it was officially named Roy’s Kids and in 2016 became a true Non-Profit. Over this total 13 year span he estimates that it has helped over 15,000 kids for Back to School and Christmas.
Why the focus on these two events, Back-to-School & Christmas? Well, the motivation is personal. Growing up in a single parent household, he and his brother (Roy) felt the stress that these specific times put on his mother. They watched the struggle and the hustle. Roy’s Kids allows him to alleviate some of these stresses for others who may currently be going through a similar situation as what he did. He’ll do whatever it takes to help as many children as possible have the fun childhood they deserve.
If I had to guess, I’d say that every day he has a few few things penciled in as definite’s, but man, after being around him a bit, I can see that he thrives on the unplanned. If something is needed, people find Michael. Somehow he is able to successfully juggle it all and is quick to acknowledge that he could not do it all without the help of his support system. His patient wife Deanna, the three teenagers Rae, Sabrina, and Abby, 2 cats Jasmine & Ember, and 2 dogs Lady & Princess.
People like our SUPPORTER’s rub off on you. The way you act, think, and do. Mike would most certainly wrap this up with….
1. What was your first job? Albertsons bagging Groceries
2. Do you sleep realllllly hard or hardly sleep? Been a light sleeper since having kids
3. What is your life motto? Live your best life now
4. Where would you go and what would you do on your dream vacation? At our second house in Hot Springs Village
5. What did you want to be when you grew up? A drug addiction counselor
6. 1 person, 1 meal, 1 place - past or present who, what, and where? My Pops at Superior Steakhouse
7. What actor would play you in the movie about your life? Jim Carrey hands down
8. What advice would you give the younger Micheal? Listen to Pops and stay in school
9. Describe yourself in 5 words. Hardworking, Stubborn, Caring, Saved, Roy
10. What’s your favorite thing about where you live? The people are some of the best people God Ever put on this earth
11. Is there a question that you wish I’d asked? Why do you care? My answer is I’ve been on Top and Button and now I find myself in the middle trying to get on top everyday
Michael’s non-profit choice is Port City Cat Rescue. https://portcitycatrescue.org/
If you would like learn more about Roy’s Kids, please feel free to check out http://royskids318.com/